Hall No 5
Booth No 5L-04
Üniversiteler Mahallesi İhsan Doğramacı Bulvarı No:37/1 Çankaya -ANKARA
SDT operates as a defence sector company that develops domestic products and capabilities in R&D-based fields. Since its establishment in 2005, it has produced and put into use various defence electronics and software products.
In accordance with its areas of expertise, SDT indigenously produces:
sensor (radar, infrared etc.) and electronic warfare signal processing and analysis systems;
image processing and analysis software;
satellite ground stations, satellite signal/data processing and analysis systems;
associated electronic and avionics systems of aerial platforms and weapon systems;
electronic units for land platforms;
RF Jammer systems, weapon guidance electronics and simulation/information systems.
SDT has certified its Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of AS 9100 Rev D, TS EN ISO 9001 2015, AQAP 2310, AQAP 2210, CMMI – DEV ML 3 and CMMI – SPM ML 3. SDT Quality Management System also meets the requirements of IEEE/EIA 12207, IEEE 1220 and MIL-STD-498 in engineering processes, and MIL-STD-973 and ANSI/EIA-649 requirements in Configuration Management processes.